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  • Dried fodder have exceeded one million tons in the 2011 season in Aragon
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Dried fodder have exceeded one million tons in the 2011 season in Aragon

In the now ending 2011 Campaign, the Forages Sector, it is estimated that there will be statewide in Spain about 1.9 million tons of processed forages, targeting 1.1 million to the export market.

In Aragon, with the irrigation, the high temperatures and low rainfall, but with proper water supply, has led to good yields with excellent quality (6 cuts this season).

Fodder production in Aragon has been 1,071,145 tons, a little higher than the previous season, in which this production totaled just over 900,000 tons, of which 85% are of alfalfa and the remaining, other grasses, vetch, etc. The area devoted to this sector in Aragon, hired by the industry, has been 85,274 hectares compared to 173,792 in Spain.

Aragon Community exports 70% of his production. To the traditional consuming countries of the forage (North Africa, EU, etc...), Have joined new claimants, highlighting the countries of Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.) and most recently China.

The sector is community leader in production, quality and competitiveness, and world leader in export volume only behind the United States. This sector is fully seated in the rural areas, creating over 16,000 jobs, and has an inter-organization, which is representing the interests of producers, industry and farmers.

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